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Scott Hutton portrait photo

Scott Hutton

ECAA Provincial President

Neil Moffatt portrait photo

Neil Moffatt

Vice President

Tim Fehr portrait photo

Tim Fehr

Provincial Treasurer

Jason Kuziw portrait photo

Jason Kuziw

Provincial Secretary


Tim Brundage

Provincial Past President

Brian Halina portrait photo

Brian Halina

Labour Relations Chair

Darcy Teichroeb portrait photo

Darcy Teichroeb, PEC

PEC Chair


Cam McIntosh portrait photo

Cameron McIntosh, PEC

Calgary Chapter President

Darcy Teichroeb portrait photo

Darcy Teichroeb, PEC

Central Chapter President

Shawn Bishop portrait photo

Shawn Bishop, PEC

Edmonton Chapter President

Paul Schmaltz portrait photo

Paul Schmaltz, PEC

Fort McMurray Chapter President

Edgar Garcia portrait photo

Edgar Garcia

Lethbridge Chapter President

Keith Urlacher portrait photo

Keith Urlacher

North East Chapter President

Jason Bradshaw portrait photo

Jason Bradshaw, PEC

North West Chapter President

Andrew McGuire

Andrew McGuire

Director at Large (South)

Terry Millot portrait photo

Terry Milot

Director at Large (North)


Susan Rockwood

Public Member (North)


Hans Tiedemann

Public Member (South)

Committee Chairs and Industry Appointments

Larry Cantelo portrait photo

Larry Cantelo, PEC

Education Chair

Chris Raushning portrait photo

Chris Rauschning, PEC

Provincial Apprenticeship Chair


Grant Wager

Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA) & Workers Compensation Board (WCB)

Landon Jones portrait photo

Landon Jones

Provincial Associate Liaison (North)

Terry Millot portrait photo

Terry Milot

Canadian Electrical Contractors Association (CECA) Representative

Russell Daw portrait photo

Russell Daw, PEC

ECAA Marketing Chair


Provincial Membership Chair


Andrew McGuire

Andrew McGuire

Labour Open Shop


Lou Hiemer, PEC

Green Energy

Cody MacInnis portrait photo

Cody MacInnis

Provincial Associate Liaison South