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Professional Electrical Contractor

Our Story

On November 29, 1962 the Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta was incorporated and registered with the Registrar of Companies for the Province of Alberta. At the beginning of its development the ECAA was basically an amalgamation of a number of local Associations who recognized the need for a provincial agency uniting all contractors operating in Alberta.

The early years were spent developing directions and goals of the Association. Many lengthy meetings were held discussing the problems of the electrical contracting industry and how the Association could best come to grips with the problems to the end that the industry and the membership could be properly enhanced. Many individual firms and business men gave their time and finances to ensure that ECAA would develop into a responsible organization.

Today, with a membership of over 800 firms from all areas of the Province including over 1200 regulatory members, ECAA is a strong tribute to the electrical contractors who gave it birth and nurtured it through difficult times. There is little doubt that the respect and reputation of the ECAA as a truly representative organization of electrical contractors is held high by its members and the construction industry generally. Its voice is sought and heard in all arenas of activity affecting electrical contractors. A completely central office facility located in Edmonton serves as the focal point for all activities and provides the members continuous access to information and services so necessary to their individual businesses.

On May 22, 1992, the ECAA members, at their Annual General Meeting, unanimously passed a Resolution stating the “the Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta proceed forthwith with the application for professionalism and instruct the Past Presidents’ Council to prepare the necessary By-Law and Working Rule changes and other structure changes as required by the Alberta Government.”

On May 12, 1993, the ECAA received professional status under the Professional and Occupational Associations Registration Act as Professional Electrical Contractors (PEC).

Why Become a PEC?

The sole purpose of the program is to provide the technically trained master electrician with an opportunity to gain a custom-designed education to make him/her a better informed electrical contractor and, therefore, a more esteemed member of the electrical industry and of the public at large. The Professional Electrical contractor may, because of this program, find a much readier acceptance of his-her services and a much wider share of the market both at home and abroad.

The title Professional Electrical Contractor stands for professionalism not only in the minds of the members of the Association, but more importantly, in the minds of customers and the general public.

Becoming a Trusted & Accredited Professional In Alberta

We made it easy for you to join. In 3 simple steps, you are on your way to becoming a trusted and accredited Electrician in Alberta.


Step 1:
Sign up as a PEC Student Member


Step 2:
Start Your Training


Step 3:
Apply for your PEC Designation